Flattened & positioned

The model of this portrait is of my niece Kendra, who will be turning the ripe ole' age of 16 this month. In there last visit to my house I forcibly suggested that she grab some clothes, practice some smiles and take a little drive to a local photographer haven in Ringgold. Granted I flattened a poor hound dog in the middle of the street on the way to this blessed photo session, my first murder, not counting birds, while behide the wheel of my tank.
After a bit of training of how to "fake a smile" I did manage to capture some good photographs. By training I mean I spoke baby language such as "chuchie coo", "Ima gonna gettcha ya" and "who's a cute baby" while popping my head out from behind the camera and ever so often yelling "Boo." Out of an hour and 15 minute shoot, I came home with 415 images. I have yet to sort through them all to weigh up the pros and cons of the day but I already know I'd like to drag her... opps, I mean take her willingly up to Coolidge Park or break into the new edition of the Tennessee Aqurium's Butterfly Exhibit for a bit of a more creative photo session. I can't wait to order her... opps, I mean tell her gleefully... I bet she'll be happy beyond control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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