Monday, February 06, 2006

Alive and kickin it!

I must say, last night was a tough one. The tiff I spoke about yesterday came to a head and had it not been for a few of my friends I'd prolly be checked into the crazy house today. My friend Rachel talked me through not committing a murder and my friend Hollie made a ton of good sense and got me smiling a little bit. A big credit has to go to my friend Chad, who basically told me to **** it and move on... in the classic Chad-Like way. By the end of the hour long talk on the phone he had me laughing and the knot in my stomach had went away. I got a good nights sleep last night, not a normal one by any means though. I had the weirdest dream...

I was dreaming I was on a boat on what seemed to be a lake... at first, but it changed to the sea. Our boat was sinking and our tour guide... who was the young Henry Fonda (I don't know why)... got us to safety to shore. For some reason, everytime a cloud would go over he would swim out into the ocean and grab one of those orange floaty ball thingys and lick it. Then he'd swim out onto the shore and run to the leaves and smell them. I have no clue why I dreamed that, it certainly wasn't anything I've watched. I watched a little bit of Space Cowboy before I went to sleep last night and that has nothing to do with the ocean or boats or Henry Fonda.

When I woke up this morning and looked out my window there was a few inches of snow on the ground. In the area I live in, that just isn't normal so I stood there and admired that for a good long while. I didn't take any pictures though... if only I knew a photographer!

Oh well...


Blogger rachelpennington said...

Say NO to Drugs.

You need to have that dream interpreted. ;)


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