Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A real fun day....

NOT! Today started out on a real good note. My phone rang this morning, which is what woke me up. It was one of the loan officers from the bank where I have my car loan. She was called to tell me I was 2 payments behind and if my balance wasn't paid within the next few days, my car would be repo'd. Well, knowing full well I WASN'T 2 payments behind, I proceeded to inform her that she must be crazy or something. In a world where your word means nothing, I had to dig up my records were I had indeed paid my payments in questions and drive them 40 minutes to the bank to prove the very fact. I was told by the LO that she'd be there anytime, just come on by. Well, when I arrived at 1 pm naturally she wasn't there and wouldn't be back til 2:00.

Well, seeing I had spent my morning and lunch time searching for proof I wasn't a bum with 700.00 worth of past due bills, I had missed breakfast and lunch. I thought, since I had an hour to kill, I'd go get a sandwich. I picked a place and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, found a table and began to eat. Well, I took a bite of my sandwich and as I moved my sandwich back down to it's plate, I noticed something hanging off my bite I had in my mouth that seemed to be connected to the sandwich. Well friends, I'll tell ya it only took me a split second to spit out my food and run for the bathroom. And if you haven't' guessed... It was a hair. A LONG BLACK HAIR! Not good... Not good AT ALL! After a few choice words, between gags of course, to the manager I ran out of there with a refund and a bag full of food that had nothing to do with a sandwich and little to do with human contact... Not that I could eat it after that!

Well, back to the bank... I turned over my hardcore proof and waited to watch the lady, whom wasn't at all nice to me over the phone, eat her words. Her face got redder and redder and the veins in her neck seem to grow in size but she finally admitted that basically the bank had the organizational skills of my 1 year old nephew and the customer service skills to match. The funny part to this story is that after all the Hell I was put through and the totally wasted day, the lady had the nerve to sit there and try to get me to sign up for a checking account! When I said "no", she asked me "why"! Alright, so you waste my day, you're mean to me on the phone and demand I come down to your office at once and hand you $700.00 that I didn't owe and after I spend my day and a good many of my cell phone minutes trying to straighten this all out... you want me to trust you with my checking account? The only thing better than my answer wouldve had to been the look on my face. Sort of the open mouth, one eye brow raised, "Are you stupid" look.

On a day that seemed to be looking better every minute, my friend Rachel called and asked if I'd like to go on an all expenses paid trip to Savannah for 3 or 4 days. Leaving this coming Sunday morning and coming back when we darn (ahem) well feel like it. I can smell the sea salt and see the photo opportunities now... And they look and smell GREAT! I'm not sure what retard in there half working mind would turn down such a thing so I jumped on the offer and nearly scared some old lady to death. She happened to be walking by my window at just the wrong time. Rachel's husband, Marshall, actually suggested we go on this little trip. THANKS MARSHALL! - It proves my point that really, you don't need a husband, you just need friends with a husband. :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I WANT TO GO.......


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