Sunday, October 09, 2005

Everybody Wac-A-Stick

Heres an image from this past weekend's wedding. I really like this photo, all the motion blur and everything. I cant recall ever seeing a female drummer, she was really great though.

We left for home around 11 this morning with a quick stop at Panera Bread for some breakfast. I mixed my unhealthy bagel with some fresh fruit, hopefully it'll balance itself out in the end... thats what I'm telling myself anyway!

When we got home I went straight to the sofa and I haven't moved since. I didn't feel tired this morning but man when we got home it hit me sudden like. I've watched 2 movies today, an old Elvis movie I found on TV, Clambake, where he's a billionaire who's sick of being a billionaire... poor baby. Then I watched the first Harry Potter movie. I just finished reading the 1st book so it seemed only fitting. I actually like the book better I think.


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