Thursday, October 06, 2005

Slap Crazy & Gone

I am so excited about the new Harry Potter movie. My niece Megan & me had a nice long talk about it today. I remember when the whole Harry Potter mania started, right after the first book came out, she was crazy about Harry Potter. I told her she was off her nut and continued to tell her so until a year or so ago. I was flipping through the TV channels one night, looking for something half decent to watch, mind you, we have 3 channels out here in po-dun, when I came across the first Harry Potter movie on tv. My only other options were 60 mins and Law & Order, normally I would've picked 60 mins but they have a special on wanted murders, I tend to stay clear of such programming. So anyway, I watched the movie and to my surprise it wasn't nearly as stupid as it looked. My only regret is that I didn't become addicted sooner! I went out the next day and rented the 2nd movie at the video store, which is when I became completely hooked. Luckily the movie was on TV to promote the 3rd movie, which was at the time about to come out in theaters, so I got to experience the mania first hand. Anyway, if you haven't read the books or seen the movies, I highly recommend them. The 4th movie comes out in theaters November 18th and also on IMAX. If you hurry you should be able to get caught up on the story by then and be able to experience the mania yourself!

I leave for Atlanta early in the morning. I'm shooting a wedding there on Saturday and I have to go down tomorrow for the rehearsal. I usually enjoy weddings that are out of town, it's like a working vacation. Granted when we're not shooting we're sitting in the hotel room, sleeping or eat... but all the same, it's the closest thing to a vacation I've had in about 2 years. I'm hoping there will be a little extra time to grab some "fun" pictures while we're there. Things like night time city scape shots and the like. I also hope we'll be in a safe part of town, not that Atlanta really has a "safe part of town" but some are much worse than others. I have great news though, if I get mugged and all my camera equipment is stolen, the little that is left anyway, I am now fully insured. I went today and got equipment insurance just in time for this weekend. It's a HUGE load off my mind, ever since my bag was stolen I've been scared to leave the house with my camera , but at the same time, I've been too scared to leave it home in case the house catches on fire. It's been slowly driving me crazy!!! I've been laying in bed at night thinking over in my mind what I would need to grab in case the house went up in flames... trust me folks, it's no way to live!!!

Chat ya'll up from Hotlanta!!!


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