Thursday, October 06, 2005

Merry Christmas & Happy Fall Craft Season!!!!

No, I'm not on crack, I swear! **crossing fingers behind my back** I took this photo at the recent Rock Springs Show & Sell. I really like art & craft shows, us artists have to stick together, ya know. ( yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh.)

This coming weekend is the New Salem Craft Festival on Lookout Mtn. The first 5 years of my life, I lived less that 1/4 of a mile from where they have it. The New Salem Fire Department, which is also used as a community hall where square dances are held every month. It's an old building, filled with history. The art show begins in the old building and loops around out the back and stretches a good long ways. I remember when I was a kid and my mom use to take me to it every fall. I remember the smells of the leaves and the sawdust on the ground where you walked, and my mom would always buy me a pop gun. ( I didn't know it at the time, but Rachel's grandpa is the one who makes those... talk about a full circle) I always loved going to it! I guess we stopped going every year when I was around 10 or so, when you're that age you could care less, of course. But I went back with my mom a few years ago and it still looks the same, smells the same, has mostly all of the same people still there... talk about a walk down memory lane. I only lived on Lookout Mtn five years, but it makes me miss it even still.

I have a wedding this weekend in Atlanta, I'll be gone Fri & Sat, but I've made it perfectly clear that I want to be back early Sunday so I can go to the festival. I think I'll see if I can drag my mom along, maybe I'll buy her a pop gun. :o)


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