Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Slow Easy Sleepy Day

I didn't get home from my long day of shooting until 11:30ish last night. Even though I was dog tired when I walked in the door, I laid in bed until nearly 1 in the morning waiting to go to sleep. My back was killing me, my feet hurt something awful and my head wouldn't stop pounding. After 3 advil's, a muscle relaxer and 5 Andy Griffth Show episodes later I went fast to sleep in la la land. Apparently la la land is a nice place because I didn't wake up this morning until nearly noon and even then I do believe I could've went back to sleep... I fought the strong urge and forced my way out of my nice soft comfy bed.

As for the rest of the day, I watched 3 long movies and did not much else. Just off the top of my head I can think of so many hard working jobs and from a logical stand point, a photographer doesn't rank anywhere near the top 100 of the list. From a personal experience, I think it's one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. It's a full day of non-stop going, both mentally and physically. At any given time at least 20 things are going through your head all at the same time. Physically you're moving around from one location to the next and one is never close to the next. Trying to keep your cool and look professional, all the while on the inside your thinking "I haven't had water for 6 hours and I think I may die at any second!" It usually takes me a day to regain my energy after a wedding day, I can't imagine those photographers who book a wedding on Fri, Sat & Sun... I know I'd be dead after that, if I even made it through it!

Tomorrow I have the same old stuff planned... ebay listings, editing photos, cleaning, etc etc... As usual, I know most likely I won't get any of it done, but hey... a girl can dream!


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