Monday, August 29, 2005

Little Buggy

Today I basically did nothing. I went to the Best Buy, the post office, the bank, the mall and home again. I'll be glad when Wedding season kicks in gear again I'm getting bored. Wheres all this business you people are suppose to be sending me? I have chains, dont think I wont haunt you when I'm dead.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Summer

Believe it or not

I took this photo last week at the Chattanooga Nature Center. Very fall like, right? Well tip your hats folks because that is a digital magic trick. I'm changing my name to Copperfield and getting a white tiger.... oh no, wait, I think I'm mixing apples and oranges here, oh but who cares, they're both fruity so really it's all good.

Anyway, I am ready for fall for sure, all this green of summer is just plan boring, not to mention the fact that it's currently 99 degrees outside. However, after fall is winter which is even more boring than summer! It's cold and everything's dead looking. Not the best time for photos, for sure. As I mentioned yesterday, today is my neice, Summer's birthday, she's the big 4 today. She was sure to wake everyone she knows up at 8am this morning to inform us of this fact and of course to collect her presents. You're only young once right! Happy Birthday Summer!

Saturday, August 27, 2005


I had a portrait photo shoot this morning at a local park. I ended up with 300 or so photos and after going through them I have 87 finished images. As always, the beginning of the shoot was uptight but once they realize the camera isn't going to bite them they loosen up and do what you want. A little tip for anyone taking photos out there in lala land. Looking back I can think of a bunch of stuff I wish we'd done. I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten though.

I have another shoot with a 2 yr old on Monday, which I'm sure will be adventurous so expect to see shots for that. Until then, it's my neices birthday party tomorrow so we're parting with Dora the explorer into the wee hours!

Friday, August 26, 2005

The glowing, flying awe

The glow of a stained glass window lights up a real genuine tree house, located at the Chattanooga Nature Center.

Lily Pads & Whatnots Galore

An images taken yesterday at the Chattanooga Nature Center. An Infered black and white of a bloomed lily pad. I officially finished my wedding album today & man am I excited. I do my editing on my laptop and working off the touch pad. I think I have a blister on at least 3 of my fingers and some permanate nerve damage in my elbows and wrists. I should most likely invest in a writing tablet or at least a mouse!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A foggy extra

This would be the second photo I took with my new camera. Seeing as I have missed some posting here lately I thought I'd give you twice as much for your money. After a storm passed through the sky turned a crazy yellowish color and the clouds turned all sorts of shades. As you can see the ridge got pretty fogged up from the steam of the 103 degree heat mixing with the slightly cooler rain.

Sky of Fire

This is the first photograph I took with my new camera. I did my first real test on it today and I must say I like it more than I thought I would. The color quality is fantastic and the auto metering blows my little D100 away. I guess 2 years newer techno really does count for something. I went to the Chattanooga Nature Center today with my good friend Rachel, I have tons of great photos from the day, including butterflies & flowers. I'm editing them right now for web sizing and then I'll post them for you to take a gander at. On the way home we stopped for some lunch and while there noticed a sign advertising a local art show and thought it to be a true "sign" and have decided to take part. We also have another art show coming up in Oct. so instead of typing away here I should get my butt to work on prints and matting!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I havent a clue

I dont know what this photo has to do with anything, nevertheless though, there it is in all it's poor ugly glory.

Tomorrow Im going shooting at the Chattanooga Nature Center, so expect to see some new material that isnt Wedding related. I guess I finally have to take the new camera out of it's box then, as I still havent gotten back my old one yet. I'll post a stat report tomorrow on how is does. I'll have to give it a true test before I name it. See what it's personality is and all first, you know. My other camera is "Todd" to match my printer who's name is "Copper", even though it's silver and black. I searched at the store today for a book of camera names but knowone seems to have any, they did seem rather interested in the matter when I would inquire on the subject at the help desk and offered to point me in the direction of where I might could find such a tool. Some mistakenly gave me directions to the mentally challenged section by mistake, apparently they were new to the store or something.

one may never know....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Digital Magic and Lack of Sleep

I have been working on a wedding album, if you'be wondered where I've gotten to lately. It's proving to be extremely time consuming, as I have just adopted a new company to print my albums. A 10 x 10 inch album with full bleed pages and a dust jacket featuring my wedding images. Extremely cool!

If I ever get it finished Ill post some screen shots for you.

Until then, back to work....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

New Addition to the Family

Last night at 7:15 pm I placed an overnight order for a new digital SLR camera. This morning at 9:42am it arrived. So now I have a good backup camera just in case I have another unflattering moment. I also shipped my mangled SLR to Nikon yesterday, finally. I hope and pray it doesnt cost much to fix, considering I just spent all my money on the D70s.

I also got a few advertising accounts online yesterday, just in time for Wedding fever, which usually happens around Sept and lasts until sometime next March. I have all but my 3rd portrait gallery complete on my website, so it's ready for viewing. I'm offering a $100.00 discount on any Wedding Package or Family Portrait session if booked before 12.01.05 so tell your friends!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Officially Crazy and Open for Business

I finally got a business cell phone # and my website finished. Look for this photo on my brand spanking new business cards, coming to a wallet near you. I except everyone I know to hand these out like there going out of style.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Heel Clicking Good Time

I've wanted to do this shot for so long you have no idea. This shot came from only the second try at it! The two guys on the left end of the shot got tangled up in eachother, which is maybe the funniest things I've seen in a good long while. I'm a tad in love with this shot, and I think I'm going to make it the main page image on the website.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Wedding Bells Ring

My Wedding in Hixon went perfectly. Luckily I have some good friends who let me use a backup camera since mine is out of commission at the moment. Such a great day, honestly maybe the smoothest Wedding I've had, nothing seemed to go wrong, which made me worry because something always goes wrong, it's just expected at this point. I've spent the past few hours looking over all my great images, the photo you see here is my favorite ceremony shot. They were down on bended knee praying and I managed to sneak this shot through the candles and flowers. The lighting effect you see is the actually light on the far wall shining down, which could not have worked out better, who ever built that church needs bonus and a large paid vacation. It truely was as if the whole place was built with photographers in mind, perfect entry ways, incredible design and building spaces, a dream come true. I highly recommend it to anywho who plans on getting married in the future, you need to check out North Chattanooga Church of God in Hixon!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Help Todd Donation Drive

Okay, this have been a terrible few days. My wedding I shot at Grandview Saturday turned out to be worse than I could've imagined, and not to do anything with the photos either. Only an hour and 20 minutes into my day, my expensive fancy smancy digital SLR died on me, poor Todd. And for those who don't know, my camera's name is Todd, I have a printer named Copper, any guesses on what movie that's from? Anyway, the reflex mirror release snapped in two pieces. I am not at all happy about it either. I'm going to have to send it back to the Nikon company to be fixed. Of course it has no warrenty left on it so I'm going to have to pony up the dough, which I dont have at the moment. I've been spending all my extra cash on new lenses to put on the camera, I wasnt expecting to have to fix something I owned already. I would like to get the camera a step above my current camera. Of course a working camera would be better than my current camera now wouldnt it!

Anyway, I need a cool 5,000 for the new Nikon D2X and I will gladly accept donations. So far I have 20.00 in the collection plate, and hope to build on that number of course, so, forget the vacation donations, I am now begging for camera donations, and if you think about it, all I need is $1.00 from 4,980 more people and I'll be all set!! Paypal me, I take checks, money orders, cash, or if you'd just like to donation the camera that would be most fine with me!