Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Life in the fast lane

Well I may not have booked that many days yet for this year, but for some reason I sure am busy. I'm working on book pages right now of the engagement shoot I just did. Granted I don't need them until July but hey, at least I'll be ahead on something instead of my usually behind. I'm also working on Trinity & Eddie's Maternity & Baby Book. I do the baby photos on Feb 11th so expect to see those real soon. I'm really looking forward to taking them, I really love baby pictures. As much as I love to do nothing, I'm actually really loving the fact that I'm busy. Plus the fact that I'm building my business in the process of it all it even better! The month of Feb is going to be the month that I get my brochures out there and advertising in places that matter.

Speaking of advertising, I've been wanting to run some ad's at some local movie theaters here in Chattanooga. What I had in mind were the ads you see on the screen before the previews start showing. So I go to The Rave's website for some info on how you go about that and as it turns out it's a major company off in lala land somewhere that handles such things. Well the amount I was thinking was like $100 a month or something, seeing as though most likely 1/4 or less of the people who go to see movies are actually in there seats when those ads are playing. Much to my surprise, it's a 1 year contract and either $340 per week for 8 movies per week OR $540 per week for all movies. Well, I was driving when I spoke to the lady at the company and let me just say, it's a real wonder I didn't die in a major car crash because I'm fairly sure I blacked out there for a minute. That's like 25,000 per year!!! Holy cow, I don't even make that in a year at this point. Needless to say, you won't be seeing my ad in a theater need you... anytime soon!

Monday, January 30, 2006

When the sun goes down....

Well my photo shoot Saturday started about an hour late so when we started our first photos were at sunset. With the rush to bit the light I completely forgot to do the standard posed shots most parent expect, something like you'd run in the newspaper. Anyway, I think this sunset picture should make up for all forgotten shots. I did call the bride-to-be and told her that I had made a boo boo and forgotten about those standard poses so we may meet up here within the next few days and knock those out of the way.

I finished editing the photos from the engagement shoot in a record time. I started Sunday afternoon and worked until around 2 0r 3 in the morning and then again Monday morning. By noon I was finished and all had been uploading to the net. Ususally that takes me about a week or more to do all those. I'm really enjoying actually finishing something. It's a new thing I've started doing. For those of you who really know just stop rolling your eyes because really, I have gotten tons better at actually completing something.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Late Night Shooting

Saturday night I did an engagement shoot in Downtown Chattanooga. The couple was all about trying new things so we started our shoot at sunset and did late evening shots and night time photos in downtown. I must say, the night time stuff was a bit harder than I was expecting. I really do need to learn how to pop my flash on long exposures better than I do now.

I did get a new tripod for the occasion though. I went by Wolf Camera right before the shoot and picked one up. They didn't have one like I was wanting but I found one I thought would work just as well. Well, it has good features and bad, my main complaint is that the legs have to be loosened or tightened using a screw so it takes for blooming ever, and it doesn't have a leveler on it. It was only $60.00 or so, so I guess I can't expect a whole lot. I'm not sure if I want to keep it yet or not. I'd really love to have one like I really want. It would be a quick set-up and fast adjustments so I guess in the long run it would pay for itself. It would cost roughly $200.00 or so though so laying down that kind of cash for something I only use every now and then does seem a little far fetched right now.

The image you see above is from the imax. I was actually laying on the sidewalk when I took this. I was setting up an angle to shoot the couple's photo with the cool imax structure in the background. Here is that photo, what do you think? Frankly I don't know if it was worth all the effort or not.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Three Times the Good Times

I've been working on the images from the Bar Mitzvah Portrait session I did Thursday. I must say they're turning out better than I was expected... Thank goodness I shot in Raw format though because I had some major color issue to deal with. I've ended up with 240+ finished images and seeing as though they only really needed about 10 I'd say we did alright.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Babies, Weddings, Kiddies & Repeat...

Today was spent with my friend Rachel. Roaming around looking for good locations to shoot weddings, engagement photos and portraits for this year. Rachel did the driving so to be honest, I have no clue where we ended up really. We did visit Hidden Hollow, which I had never been to before. We walked around and took pictures, I even overcome my fear of swinging bridges. I have so much to edit at this point I'll be honest and tell you that I haven't even taken the photos off the card yet so I have no clue what I came home with. I will say that I shot them all in RAW and just the thought makes so happy I can't stand it.

Tomorrow evening I'm shooting some engagement portraits in the Downtown area. I've been looking forward to this because the couple really seems into trying just about anything. I really do love creative freedom. Rachel will be joining me on her first engagement shoot, and without the help of Ricki. So, she's the one and only back-up photographer. Engagement shoots are a great time to learn and play with the possibilities of what you can do with a camera. It's a laid back environment so not nearly the pressure one feels when shooting a wedding. I'll let you know if she lives or dies tomorrow night and I'm sure I'll have a few dozen photos for you to see too! :o)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pint-Sized Comedian

Kids are funny aren't they. Bill was right, they do the darndest things... Logan was posing for the camera here, he was showing me his tongue. I was so happy to see that I got this picture, seeing that it was a quick 2 second thing. Very cute all the same though, if I do say so myself.

So, tonight I took some Bat Mitzvah Portrait photos for the first time ever. Just judging by my quick look through I'd say I scrapped by on the hair of my chinny chin chin. Thank goodness I had Ricki & Rachel with me though. That was the first time I've ever felt way out of my element. I'm not Jewish and I know nothing of the faith so the whole thing was a whole new world for me. I actually felt a bit stupid. I had to keep asking what we should do next because I didn't know what the process of the actual event would be or who meant what or what meant what or the names of anything. It was a very odd experience. I'm glad my 1st experience in that area is out of the way though. I have more of these booked in May so I plan to be well read on ways, customs and traditions by then so that hopefully I'll at least half way in some way know what it is I'm doing. I'll post more later and of course photos...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blue-Eyed Munchkin

Here is my nephew Logan. He's an adorable 14 month old blue-eyed heart breaker in training. By training I mean for his modeling career which will help fund his Surgical degree one of these days. The kid is a natural... he was playing outside when I spotted him with his little hat and overalls. It was so cute that I grabbed my camera and was going to take some shots of him when his camera radar went off and he spun around and ran my way. Well the kid starts smiling from ear to ear, spinning and turning as if on a cat walk. He led me around the yard to places he apparently wanted his picture taken. He ran to the wood pile and sat down, looked up at me and started smiling. It may be one of the cutest things i've ever seen! I ended up with nearly 40 really good pictures in just the 30 mins or so I followed him around. This one is by far my favorite though. Those bright blue eyes sure do shine!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Movin' On Up

Alright, so... apparently when I researched the going prices of wedding packages all the people I researched changed their prices shortly after. I thought it was a bit odd that all my web traffic would look at my prices and leave. For awhile there I thought I was too expensive, now though, it appears not. It seems the photographers in the Chattanooga area ganged together and raised there prices, forcing everyone to pay that price. I must say, it's a great idea. However, I wish someone had told me! So, today I went into my website and changed my wedding prices, packages starting at $2500... I'll keep you posted on the progress.

On a productive front, today I opened a new checking account at a bank that works with Quicken. Hopefully this will simplify my life somehow. I also got my eyebrows seperated and went to the post office. Oh and did I tell you I'm finally finished with the little girls book? What a great feeling that is, to be finished with something!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Bringing the past to the present

My grandmother was going through some of her things Sunday and came across this photo of her parents, brother and herself. This photo is from 1926, my grandmother was 3 years old at the time. I didnt have to do much editing to this one, it only had a few minor scratches that was easy enough to fix. That's pretty amazing seeing it's 80 years old.

It's rather amazing how much my great grandmother looks like my mom. I'd never realized that before now but with the exception of the hair you'd swear it was my momma!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sometimes you just gotta boogie!

Alright, so those people from yesterday really knew how to party... which was kind of odd because there wasn't nearly as much drinking going on as there usually is at a reception.

I love this shot, I showed it to the girl dancing but she just hid her face and ran away. I think it's one of those dancing shots you want but can never get.

Something I thought was a bit odd, yet wonderful... I shot the ceremony and reception using a manual camera setting and a flash... all my shots turned out great. Well, most anyway, they're actually in focus and the lighting is tons better than when I try to use an automatic camera setting. There's some logic to this I guess but it just goes to show you should never rule out the old fashion way of shooting!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A rosey 11 hour shooting day

Today I assisted Ricki with a wedding on Lookout Mtn. It was strangely like the one we shot last week, as in it had the same colors, flowers, theme, and reception location... The Fairyland Club. It's kinda odd we've shot there twice in a row, considering we didn't go there once last year. The staff seemed to remember us though, those who didn't say something just looked at us funny.

The family of the Bride & Groom were really sweet, the kind of parents you hope for really. They cried at the right times, which makes for great photos, and they were just really nice people. Better than the ones who control it all and like nothing anyone does... good times

So I've sat down a total of 20 mins from the hours of 9am to 8:30 pm, I've had 1 bathroom break and I've survived on a ham lunchable, a juice and a cup of puddin'... All after only 4 hours of sleep. I'm tired.. me and my heating pad are going to bed now... goodnight.

Friday, January 20, 2006

A Bridge to Progress

Alright so, I worked my butt off to get my website finished and up online and looking pretty good by the time Jan. came around. Jan is suppose to start the busy time of year for booking weddings. I've booked 2, and 1 bat mitzvah. So, just where is all this business?

It had better come because my entire life depends on the rise or fall of this year. I'm inches away from a job flipping burgers if this doesnt pan out. So, just were are all my loyal readers in all this mess... where's the referrals cuz I have seen one yet! Get busy people!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Somewhat True Biography of Kandice Ledford

"Hi! My name is Kandice Ledford & let me just say first of all, thank you for your interest in my work. Every day I thank God for the talents to carry out my dream of being a photographer. I have the great honor & trustof capturing some of the most precious moments of someone’s life; from an engagement to a wedding, maternity photos to a newborn baby; the first steps to the first day of school; the first crush to “the one.” The job of being a photographer is much more than a push of a button, it’s aresponsibility to truly capture someone’s personality & flare and to create photographs that, in 50 years, willstill put a smile on your face. Photography is not just my job, it’s my passion; my "true North."
I’ve been practicing the art of photography all my life. When I was a kid I would sneak my parents camerafrom their closet when they weren’t looking and take pictures of everything I could see from my eye level.In middle & high school I began to really develop a sense of creativity in my photography & learned to havefun in the darkroom. While in college at Middle Tennessee State University, just outside of Nashville,I met a man by the name of Russ Harrington who’s work truly inspired me to pursue a career in photography.

Right out of college my hobby finally became a profession & I booked the firstof many weddings. Early in my career I pursued my love for portrait photography while working as thephotographer of a major newspaper in the Northwest Georgia area. While there I won awards from theGeorgia Press Association for my work in photography and page layout design but after only 2 years I said goodbye to news photography and solely focused all my time and energy on my company, Ledford Photography. Today I shoot between 20 & 30 weddings a year and countless portrait sessions with people of all ages and have had the opportunity to travel to places I never dreamed I’d ever get to go.

I take pride in what I do & to offer a style of photography and a level of creativity not usually seen in wedding & portrait photography. When someone looks at my work I want it to be unlike anything else they’ve seen; something fresh and new yet still classic and timeless. Something rare you’ll find when working with me is personal attention. It seems that in the business of photography, everything is strictly cookie-cutter & people are expected to adapt to the ways & ideas of the photographer. I believe it should be the other way around which is why I work with every one of my clients to make each experienceunique and comfortable. Not only do I get to do what I love to do every day but I also have thehonor of working with 3 of the most talented photographers I’ve ever met, all of which I’m proud to have as friends and consider my family. We’ve worked together for many years which allows for great harmony and creativity in our photography and ensures that you get the best work possible.

I hope that you find everything you hoped for when looking at my work. I thank you once again for the interestand your time, it is most appreciated! If you have any questions or would like to set up a time to meet I would beglad to speak with you.

God Bless - Kandice"

As posted on my website www.ledfordphotography.com Feedback is welcome. LOL

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's all in the design...

So today I actully did some work on Morgan's Album, I'm 1 cover & 9 pages down... 21 pages to go. This one is my favorite page so far, it's fresh, different & has a playful feel to it. I'm really looking forward to finishing the album. I love to actually finish something, it's a new thing I've started doing so I'm all happy inside when I accomplish to finish something.

On a side note: For those of you who go to Panera Bread, they have a new sandwich, Chicken Olivade. I had one today and it was GREAT!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Moody Bridge Work

I love this photograph, such a moody image. I also really love shooting in RAW, the color adjustments possible with RAW are incredible, I love it, love it, love it!!!

I was sent an email yesterday from Trinity that she gave birth to a healthy & happy baby girl this past Tuesday. I'm so excited, I should be shooting baby photos soon. The baby came a bit early which means I'll be building their album sooner than expected. Meaning I need to finish with my correct album project so I can get started on the next. I someday look forward to having such a successful photography business that I can afford an art department to build such albums. Ahhh... Sweet sweet dreams...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Blooming ivory

I'm all about this shot. I managed to capture this one at the reception of the wedding I shot yesterday in one of those rare empty moments. I wish I had some sheet music to photography and lay over this image, wouldn't that be pretty!

Today I've been so tired I haven't done a whole lot. I tell ya, picture taking is a rough job! :o) After the traditional Sunday family dinner I laid around on the couch and watched movies. The first was an old Tom Selleck Western movie. For some reason, western movies make the best napping movie conditions. After that I watched Law's of Attraction which was better than I thought it would be. It had an original story line, which is hard to find now a days. I tell ya though, if you're planning a day on the couch anytime soon, you should get the movie "Lucky Seven" with Kimberly Williams-Paisley. It was a great movie, very low key and completely unadvertised but it was the best film I've seen in some time... I highly recommend it!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Successful Harmony

It seems as though with each wedding I shoot I get a little better and more confident. It also seems that the whole event gets easier and the stress not nearly what it use to be. This lovely couple were married at the beautiful St. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in downtown Chattanooga with a reception to follow at the beautiful Fairyland Club atop Lookout Mtn.

Friday, January 13, 2006

High as the Moon!

The moon was full and seem to follow me around. Here you can see it off in the distant from the roof top of Chattanooga.

Well, it's Friday the 13th... Normally I would say that I wasn't afraid of bad luck but I'm afraid that if I say I'm not afraid, the bad luck will get me. I'm not really one to avoid black cats or broken mirrors. I don't walk under ladders though, nothing to do with luck really.. It's more of a fear of falling objects from the worker on the ladder. Although, I don't have the best luck so maybe I SHOULD be afraid!!!

Speaking of afraid, I'm assisting Ricki with a wedding tomorrow in Downtown Chattanooga. The ceremony is going to be a bit difficult... so I'm told but their reception is at the Fairyland club on Lookout Mtn so that should be a fun shoot. It's a rather short day, only 8 hours to shoot and a 2 hour round trip travel time. I've seen much worse, I'm just always thankful when it's not a 12 or 14 hour shooting day! Wish me luck...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Distant Roof tops

Here is a different angle from atop the tall unnamed building. I love the effect of the sky in this photo, it was completely black to look at it but in this long exposure it came out looking great! (If I do say so myself)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Light working at it's best!

An added feature along Chattanooga's water front area gives an interesting design and numerous possibilities for events. I love the way the light is painting just the right spots in this photo. It's often hard to capture an outdoor image with a dramatic lighting effect so I'm rather proud of this one.

On a business note... So far for this year I've booking only 2 weddings & 2 events of my very own and am really looking forward to more wedding interviews. Granted it's not even the beginning of the month yet so there is still plenty of time to wait. As I'm told, usually the calls, interviews and bookings get at their craziest point near the end of Jan & the month of Feb & March. I'm really looking forward to this year though. I'm ready & dedicated to getting my photography career on a successful leg. I've talked about this for years but in my head and heart I was never really dedicated or motivated to the work or time it would take. I guess it's age or battle wounds but I really feel ready now. People tell me all the time that I make good sense when it comes to business affairs, usual that's when I'm giving them advise. I've always taken it as one of those "nice comments you say for lack of other things" but I wonder if maybe there isn't something to it. I've help 2 of my friends start a business with eBay and both are doing a great job with it. My friend Hollie, who I helped a month or so ago, she's already making 75% or more of her normal income just by selling on eBay. :o)

I think the one thing I lack is support... I have some good friends who support me and less than a handful of family who think it's a good thing. For every good comment, however, I'm slammed with at least 10 insults so it's a hard thing to overcome.... Mentally. I hear them and know in my head that I shouldn't listen, but I know that in some way it still effects me. The inner voice is hard to keep positive when it's drowned out with non-stop negativity.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Life in the Big City

Funny how a small city can look so large from an elevated point of view. I won't say what roof this photo was taken from, but I will tell you I was higher from the ground than I carried to be. I'm not a fan of heights so I tend to steer clear of such endeavors but I really do love the photos from up above. Here you can see the city of Chattanooga with it's tall buildings and some what empty streets. The snowflake lights are still hanging along side the highways and made for a great deal of added light. I'd always been rather partial of city scape images so I'm happy to actually be the creator of such a gem.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Spanish/Italian Style in Tennessee?

If you know me at all you know I love architecturally interesting things. Here is a building that reminds me of something you'd see in Spain or Italy, only it's located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It's in the art district of downtown, a charming, remote spot of the city, rich with creativity & flare.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

- a borrowed angle -

Alright, so, my friend Rachel took this shot with her camera and I just sort of stold her idea, but I did spend about 15 mins editing it so I'm sure they'll still look like day and night.

The structure you see here is from the Market Street Bridge, which is currently being torn down. At first glance it is a bit unsightly, compared to the other things there is to look at in Chattanooga but it does have a certain charm about it because of its age. It's a bit beaten up but unique in it's design so I believe taking it down is a real shame. I'm sure though that whatever goes up in it's place, we'll all soon learn to love it, or if you don't, I have many-a-photo I'd love to sell ya! :o)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Depth perception & the hidden highlights

Did I mention I love images from RAW files because if I didn't I totally meant too! Here is an image of the Walnut Street Bridge from an angle I'd never shot it from before. It's good to see things in a whole new way, some how for some reason it makes you appreciate them more.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Gump + Bush = Good Laugh & A Great Place to Step

This American Bush Handicap sign painted on the sidewalk in the downtown art district area of Chattanooga makes for a great place for put your foot down...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pointed End of a Visual Draw

This creativity piece found in the art district of downtown reminds me of the useless and forgotten past of those huge cable dishes everyone who was anyone use to have then their yard.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Coming alive in RAW

If you know anything about digital photography in the SLR world then chances are you've heard of a little thing called RAW. Sadly I'd never really used RAW before to shoot my images, mainly for the reason that it takes up so much space on your memory card you only have a limited amount of images you can take. The editing possibilities with RAW, however, are incredible. My new wish, after my D200, would be for a few dozen 4GB 80x lexar cards so that I can always shoot my images using RAW.

For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, you really don't know what you're missing! Imagine you have a car in your garage, a Ford Pinto with 4 bald tires, no shocks or windows, and an unclaimed ticket you've been carrying around in your pocket for 2 years for a free brand new 2006 Lincoln Navigator and a complimentary beach house on the coast of somewhere beautiful...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Rocks on a Rod

Alright, so, you're not having a vision problem, these are rocks... mounted on rods or sticks. It's an art piece located in the art district of downtown Chattanooga. I'm not sure the creative thought behind this piece or the reasons why it is, but I suppose it's a sort of a conversation piece or something. It certainly brings up a lot of questions I'm sure...

Monday, January 02, 2006

An illuminated evening

Let me just say, I am now in LOVE with the downtown area. Last night my friend Rachel and I walked around the waterfront area and the art district of downtown Chattanooga. Not only was it the first time I'd seen the new features added but it was the first time I'd ever walked around downtown at night and shot photos. I had attempted it before, last Summer on the Walnut Street Bridge, but didn't have a tripod with me. I'd love to go to downtown at least once a week and shoot photos at night. Maybe focus on one little area at a time and really capture the flavor and charm of that one little area.

The image shown here is of the Hunter Museum and the newly built glass bridge that crosses over Riverfront Pwky. At night the bridge is lit up with these beauty bluish green lights. If you live in the area and havent been to see the new downtown developments you should do it now while it's not as crowded as it would be in the Summer.

By the way, I used my tripod so much last night that I actually broke it, so, if you'd like to run out and get me another one, one with a ball joint head and a quick set up, I'd really appreciate it! :o)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cross it out

I am official finished with my maternity photo edits. I can not tell you how happy that makes me. Usually at the beginning of a shoot Im all excited about getting home and editing the photographs. Of course, by the end I'm so sick of looking at the picture that I don't much care for the photos anymore.

Here is an image I shot in Alabama. It was a Church and as you can see, there is a rock coming out the back of the building. Or, actually the building is coming off the rock, seeing as though the rock was there first!

I have more images from there and will post them soon with a little story of the place.

By the way - Happy 20/06 everyone.