Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Yule Ball's, Horn Tail's & the Flesh of Another

At 7:00pm Friday night of November 18th, 2005 the Dark Mark was cast into the sky high above the Quidditch World Cup on the screen of theater #17 at Chattanooga's "The Rave". An $8.00 ticket purchased 6 days in advance to see the magical tale of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire finally unveiled on the big screen was well worth it. Waiting in line with thousands of Harry Potter fans in the freezing cold night air waiting for the doors to open as pricesless. All completely unaware of the temperature, there foggy breath or numb faces. All chatting about the J.K. Rowling series that is Harry Potter, where it's been and where it's going. Who's died and who's yet to meet there fate. Who will win or lose in the final chapters of book seven. The burning question of "Is Dumbledore really dead?" the topic of every conversation.
At last at 6:30 pm the doors of #17 open wide and muggles scatter to find a seat. With nearly 500 devoted Potter souls seated in the same room, eagerly waiting to see what most believe to be the best year at Hogwarts yet flash onto the big screen on opening night. The excitement as thick as mud filled the room and every person busting to see the lights go dim. Many fans proudly displaying Potter swag or costumes, swapping stories of past Harry Potter movie premiers. The excitement of the new cast members and director of GOF could be heard in nearly any nearby conversation. It seemed as though one thousand eyes glanced at there watches every few seconds, wearing the pain of waiting on there sleeves. At 6:58 pm the crowd of eager fans began to chant "Harry, Harry, Harry" with a loud passion no mere muggle could understand and as 6:59:50 graced it's place in time 500 voices rang out "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The room went as dark as night as the crowd erupted with a roar matched by no Nascar audience and everyone hit there feet cheering with arms raised.
The digital effects played the biggest role of all so far in the series and did not disappoint. At first sight of the Quidditch World Cup stadium the room voiced a well deserved "WOW" followed by "Ooo's & Awww's" along with approving whistles of the sight of Ceddric Diggory. Plunging at full force into the Tri-Wizard Tournament and it's challenges the movie kept an exciting light hearted pace throughout the movie, such as the book does. As the scene was changed by magic of a port-a-key into the graveyard of Riddle, the film, such as the book, dives into a long rush of terror as He Who Must Not Be Named rose from his unhuman state of being and went head to head with Harry Potter.
Throughout the entire movie you feel as though you've been transformed from your seat into the world of Harry Potter, which is what the first movie did so well. Goblet of Fire proved to be the best yet in the series of films, just as it is in the books. The director did a brilliant job to include as much as possible without completely changing the film. There were, of course, a few things I would've like to have seen, such as the humor behind the S.P.E.W. movement and what really happened the night the Dark Mark as cast into the sky at the World Cup. Those, I suppose, I can live without and I look forward to seeing it a few more dozen times in the next week or two! :o)
A note: If you're strictly a Harry Potter movie fan and have never read the books, you're missing out on a whole other world in regards to Goblet of Fire. Read it, you'll thank me!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Flattened & positioned

The model of this portrait is of my niece Kendra, who will be turning the ripe ole' age of 16 this month. In there last visit to my house I forcibly suggested that she grab some clothes, practice some smiles and take a little drive to a local photographer haven in Ringgold. Granted I flattened a poor hound dog in the middle of the street on the way to this blessed photo session, my first murder, not counting birds, while behide the wheel of my tank.
After a bit of training of how to "fake a smile" I did manage to capture some good photographs. By training I mean I spoke baby language such as "chuchie coo", "Ima gonna gettcha ya" and "who's a cute baby" while popping my head out from behind the camera and ever so often yelling "Boo." Out of an hour and 15 minute shoot, I came home with 415 images. I have yet to sort through them all to weigh up the pros and cons of the day but I already know I'd like to drag her... opps, I mean take her willingly up to Coolidge Park or break into the new edition of the Tennessee Aqurium's Butterfly Exhibit for a bit of a more creative photo session. I can't wait to order her... opps, I mean tell her gleefully... I bet she'll be happy beyond control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Enhancing the lives and images of all I meet!!

This photo I stold from my cousin Lebron. He took this of his son Jackson while on holiday in Savannah this Summer. I had a bored few minutes and thought I'd Kandify it, which is the name of the visual lanuage I speak from here on out. I did a bit of cropping, dodging, burning, building, rebuilding, cloning, stamping, blurring, sharpening, rearranging and resizing to come up with the gem you see here to the left of the page. All the special effects blend together to create a moody image and because of the outfit and that it's black and white it can also be a timeless classic.
The image here, on the right of the page, shows the photos original state.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Dear Santa...

"Dear Santa,
For my very first Official Christmas this year, I send to you my very first Christmas list. It is not your normal Christmas wish list filled with pleads of toys, candy or puppies.. It's a more practically list, filled with things I do so long for everyday.
For my first wish I wish for a suit of armor to use for protection from my 4 year old sister. Armed with laser shooters and 911 on-star assistance. Must include storage space for bottles, diapers, toys, ipod and my razor flip phone from Cingular.
For my second wish I wish for a security password protection toy chest complete with finger printing idenity entry and an alarm. Each toy should be equipped with idenity eye scans and should only comply on my command. All those attempting to use them without proper permission should be crushed and melted.
For my third wish I wish for complete remote control access 24 hours a day and total control of all programs viewed regardless of written requests made by those taller annoying people. Remote should be equipped with moisture absorbed protection, lighted buttons, a horn and a LCD screen panel with rotating channel views of all shows containing cartoons, wrestling or Bob Ross.
For my forth wish I wish for Calvin Kline sunglasses and a large signing reading "Photos $5.00" to be printed in bold red lettering, font is optional. Language must be Gibberish, English and Spanish. Sign should be equipped with flame throwers and smoke bomb decoys for quick get-aways from my ever flashing camera headed Aunt who chases be down yelling "look at the keys, look at the keys." Sign must be tranformable to rocket propelled Hummer. Hummer must be equipped with Gibberish voice command, invisibility mode, heat seeking missles, auto-pilot, six compact disc changer, sippy cup holders and emergency floor hatch.
And for my fifth and final wish, if you have time and space in your sleigh, I wish for you to bring a booger flavored lollipop for my sister Summer, a short and wide polka dotted tie for my daddy and a brand new hole for my mommy's favorite shirt.
P.S. I'll be leaving you some cookies and milk beside the tree, if you could please not eat them I would really appreciate it. If you could also arrange them to spell out "Logan Only," It would be nice to finally have a brand new unbroken or floor stained cookie of my very own.
- Logan"
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Dirty Dirty Slacker!

I have been so slack about updating my blog lately. Luckily with my handy dandy time changer though, I can travel back to the date I left off and begin my posting once again.
I told you in an earlier post that I had a wedding interview coming up. I can happily inform that I was offered the honor to photograph the wedding. I was sent an email that confirmed the date and a request on an address to send the money. I always love it when people offer me money!!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Learning why they call it "Fall" !!!!!

I've been raking leaves this week, the yard is full of them! It's the kind of job that follows you to bed at night via the blisters on your hands. This morning I had forgotten all about them, that is I forgot about them right before I squirted some germ-X hand sanitizer on them. I was told that the little dance I did through the house while waving my arms in a desperate attempt to stop the burning pain was rather entertaining. Where's an Ellen camera when you need one!
Logan & Summer decided rolling in leaves was more fun that raking them in piles so they had a pretty good time. In the photo here, Logan was apparently going for the "Awwww" factor. He was blowing kisses without even being asked to do it. Funny how kids know to butter you up so they can get there way even before they're a year old!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Ponder the possibilities of hopelessness

Here is a lovely photo of my friend Rachel who was staring from the bridge to the creek below. I'm sure she'll just love it that her photo is published (for the 2nd time in a week) on the internet for the world to see. :o) Gotta Luv Me!!
I sit in my bedroom and look around at the mess and it just makes me sick. I try to compact everything that I don't want broken or stolen into a 10 ft by 12 ft place. Once you factor in a bed, closet & shelves that doesn't leave you with must space to walk around must less set anything. It's gotten so that I can't find anything I need, I have no real organization going on which I hate. Seeing as I'm trying to run a business you'd think that keeping things in order would be the smart thing to do.
I'm really sick of living this way though, I have tons and tons of stuff sorted into piles that are meant to be put on eBay, mostly clothes. They've been laying on the shelves and floor for weeks and I haven't done it yet. I plan on making that my goal this week & next week, to photography & list everything on ebay that needs to be listed, sell it and ship it out of here before it drives me completely insane! I've got bins to sort papers and files in that I've never even used. I have enough shelf room to put them if all this eBay stuff wasn't in the way.
Through the years I bought photo frames I'd see on sale or at yard sales and think "Hey, I might need this for a art show or something," so I'll buy it and shove it in a closet or under the bed. I've got the entire top shelf of the closet full of photo mats with no photos in them that I've collected through the years for art shows and portrait jobs. I don't believe I've ever used one of them. They just sit up there collecting dust and taking up space. Everytime an Art Show rolls around I always say "I'm going to do that" then of course, never do. I use the "I don't have anything ready" or "I don't have the time" which is always because I've put it off until the day before the show. I vow that there will be no more of that!! has a sale on 4x6 prints for $0.15 from now until the end of the year and I'm going to start ordering them so I'll have it when I need it! I can go ahead and mat them and have them here so that next time a show comes around, I will be ready and will have no excuses!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Hook it & Book it!

I landed an interview with a Bride to be and her mother for next week. It's the 1st official wedding interview I've had since my new website went up for public view. I was kinda thinking that maybe there was something wrong with it, actually I'm still kinda thinking that, but I'm playing it off it my head that "it's not really wedding season yet."
Thanks to my lovely sister Kim, I've gotten a good many people interested in portrait photography of there kids & even a family session lined up. Assuming everything goes as planned, I'll be doing a Christmas portrait shoot at Santa Land next weekend. Santa Land is a local Christmas Tree Farm here in Walker County, named after the owners grandfather, who was named Santa. I wonder if he had a white beard & a big round belly?
It's a nice little place, Santa Land, a cedar cabin decked out with Christmas decorations, a classic rock fireplace and some rocking chairs. The lady who runs it always has some hot apple cider going so the place smells like cider and cedar... a great combo! They have some beautiful Christmas trees growing in there field at fairly descent prices, and the whole place is surrounded by ridges, hills and mountains... the perfect place for a portrait session!
Friday, November 11, 2005
~ SALE SALE SALE ~ Everything Must Go!!!

Whoa, talk about your fall cleaning! Here is one days worth of mail filled with eBay sales of stuff I've had laying around in the way for years. I have roughly 200 or 300 more things to list, mostly clothes, which is what most of the items here in the photo were. I was actually amazed at how well clothes sell on eBay. Some I sold in Lots and others by themselves but compared to a yard sale I made off like a bandit!
I also sold an electric blanket that K-Mart ran on clearance last year for $20.00 for a King size. I could kick myself in the butt for not getting more than one! They had tons, you'd think you'd have enough sense to think, "Hey retarded, you should buy lots of these!" What I paid $20 bucks for turned into $109.23! Clearly I'm the dumbest person alive!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Reflections of... The way life use to be...

Now that you have that song stuck in your head, fill feel to pass it along to someone else! I could start a movement of bad songs around the world! :o)
This shot is from the Pocket area, a creek that runs along a camping area in the main part of the park. The leaves had started to turn already and the reflections of the trees in the water were really nice I thought.
I got the new Kenny Chesney CD yesterday, I thought I'd do a former employer a favor and help along his career by $10.00. He's poor and unpopular you know! It's a pretty good album, not his best stuff but it has 5 or 6 good songs. I got the CD at Target so it has 4 exclusive tracks and I think 2 of those 4 are my favorites. If you want the good album you should hurry to a Target near you. (Dear Target Corp, please send advertising check by certified priority mail, no counterfeits please, I google!)
I got my sample 10x10 album of the Pearson Wedding in the mail today. I got 4 free mini books, I never get anything free so it tickled me plum silly. So now that I have these, I'm 100% prepared for wedding interviews, you should run to your phone right now and call and make an appointment but I'm totally booked up.
Ya know, I ran across a wedding photographers website the other day, her stuff was like mine, totally simple stuff, maybe even more so than mine, and then I looked at her pricing information. Once I awoke from fainted and caught my breath, I couldn't believe what I'd just read. Her prices for BASIC coverage begin at $10,000, as in if you want something more than basic it would be MORE than $10,000!!! The part that made my faint was the big bold letters that combined to read "Booked for the 2006 & 2007 year."!!!! Okay, my packages start at $990.00, I think I'm seriously under selling... Apparently! I have to fight for every wedding I can get and she's charging more than what my car is worth and she's completely booked! It has to be that perception thing I keep hearing about, that or either she's giving 1 years free rent to any penthouse in your area.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Bear Tracking to Nowhere

Proof of our hike through the 100 acre woods. Shame though, we couldn't find Eeyore or Pooh anywhere... Guess they were at a money convention or something...trying to figure out how to spend there millions.
Today I worked out for a whopping half hour, which is better than I've been doing lately. I'm been a bit lazy but I vowed today that we'll have no more of that. I came to my senses as I was watching TV and I could've sworn I felt my butt grow a little... I got straight up and went outside and started walking.
Tomorrow I'm going to go bike riding in the morning followed by a walk and some weight lifting. I tell you this so you can hold me to it... which apparently I need.
Have ya'll noticed that even though I'm updating my blog it's still days behind? I actually love the fact that I'm making progress in the past. It's like the rest of the world is having there Saturday afternoon and I'm still living in last Wednesday! It's the perfect way to travel through time and still be home in time for your Saturday afternoon BBQ... the best of both worlds!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Frodo No Mo' .... D.A. Anyday!

The flow of the creek at the Pocket had just the right amount of light falling on it to capture this gem. I may have had 10 or 20 bad shots in order to get this one but we won't mention that now will we!
For the first time ever I watched a Lord of the Rings movie. I've always said it looked retarded but you all know how I praise Harry Potter. If I've heard "If you love Harry Potter, you'll love Lord of the Rings" once I've heard it a thousand times. Well, I love Harry Potter, maybe too much as I'm told daily, but I thought Lord of the Rings was retarded! Just as I suspected! I realize the cookie crumbles in chunks as well as dust so if you like Lord of the Rings I'm totally not knocking your movie. I, on the other hand, will just stick to Harry Potter and be happy that I haven't had to sit through all 3 of the Rings movies.
Speaking of Harry Potter, for those of you who live in a hole, the new movie "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" will be release in less that a week. November 18th we will be blessed with what I hope to be the best movie yet. As I make painfully clear, book 4 is my favorite and if they screw this movie up I will be so disappointed, I'll be even more disappointment in that than when I got a $4,500 cashier's check in the mail today only to find out on the FDIC website that it was a fake. I kid you not, it's true. (A nod to the guy Kim works with who went and busted my bubble... it was such a pretty bubble!) It was from a bank in South Carolina and was mailed to me with no return address from Europe. It contained no note or information so for a minute I thought someone loved my blog so much they decided to do the right thing and send me a check.... bummer
Tis the season...

I'm not sure if it's the weather or what but for some reason this year I am really ready for the Holidays to get here. I've already broke out my Christmas music and put it in the car. All the must have albums like Dean Martin & Michael Buble.
I just LOVE Michael Buble... he has the best voice and he is soooooo pretty! If anyone is looking for the prefect gift for me for Christmas, you can kidnap Michael Buble for me and we can sit and look at him all day on Christmas, decorated next to the tree of course. If you're scared of jail you can get me the next best thing, the Michael Buble: Caught in the Act live CD/DVD combo coming out on Nov. 22 in a store near you! Just think of it as a gift for the 365 days a year of free entertain my life brings you in blog form!
This photo here is a picture of my Nephew Logan. He did surprisingly well with this photo shoot... the lights seemed to hold his attention away from the fact that there was a hat on his head. Incase any of you are wondering, I have holiday portrait sessions available! :o)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Spotted color & a 10 mile hike!

Our next stop at the Pocket was a camping area next to the creek. For a Wednesday afternoon there seemed to be a good lot of people there camping. Rachel knew of a trail back through the woods so we set out along it looking for some great fall colors. We walked a few miles, mainly uphill, both ways of course, and I don't think I took a single picture. The colorful paint brushes had apparently missed that bit of area because everything was still green or it had died already.
I did have a bit of fun freaking out Rachel, who if you didn't know, is completely terrified of bears. I just happened to mention that it really did look like a great place for bears, granted I may have spoke on the subject for a good 15 mins or so. As I was talking I noticed that the distance between me and Rachel seemed to be getting further apart. For some unknown reason she picked up the tempo on her steps and was at a slow run for the rest of the hike.... I can't imagine why really? :o)
The unknown view... in my own backyard!

My next adventure was to the Pocket only 5 miles or so from my house. I'd been there many times, only to this one little spot beside a creek bed where we'd go when I was a kid to play in the water. Rachel and I drove over in search of some great photos and along the way we spotted a sign for an overlook. Sadly I've never been there and I've lived within 5 miles or so from it my whole life. We struck out up an old dirt road towards the overlook. When we arrived at the top of what looked like a small ridge, this view if what we found. Frankly, I was amazed & shocked that such a view was to be had so close to my own house! I was also fascinated by just where the heck we were because I live in the valley you see here and I can't see a spot that I think is high enough that I think would be this place. Mostly I just felt stupid that I'd never been there before & with good right I should say!
I should say that I don't think I will be returning to this place anytime soon. On the way back down the ridge we ran across some shady looking people whom I'm fairly sure was making a drug drop off or pick up or plant picking or something. As you can see, it's not the most populated area so a visitor could be murdered and it would be months before anyone found you, if ever. If I'm going to be killed while trying to take in some sights and views I'd rather it be something good like the Rockies or the Alps.... know what I mean Vern?!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Trains, Frames and the Slow Shutter

Just as we were walking back towards to road to get in the car we heard a whistle in the distance. Sounds of a train approaching & at full steam from the sounds. We hurried back to the car for our tripods and made a run for the tracks in hopes of getting some good shots. (Good thing we didn't attempt to walk across the bridge, with my luck my leg would've gotten stuck between a tie and the train would've flattened me!) I managed to get a few decent shots, nothing I'd write home about or anything.

We shot the train as it flew past. Whoever says trains are slow must be crazy because this train was hauling butt, clocking what must have been at least 60 mph. We felt the urge to call it a day afterwards.
We were basically frozen and starving to death so we thought it was a great time to look for something to eat. Rachel suggested a little restaurant atop lookout mountain, which by the way use to belong to my dad and was named "Kandi's". Our last experience with eating there was after a trip to Lula Lake. The place was basically empty & we had each order a hamburger. An hour and a half later our food arrived and by that time we had ate the table. Not really wanted to relive that experience, Ricki & I tried with all our might to come up with somewhere else but we didn't have much luck at all so we struck out to the temple of doom. Just as we arrived Rachel just happened to remember that the only day that the restaurant closes was Monday... Wouldn't you know it was Monday.
A good 30 - 45 mins from anything else we tempted fate and dined in a place called "Pat's Diner". Located in a trailer which was attached to a store that also served as a family's home. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover, the food was great and we didn't die so all in all it turned out well. It was a good day, just the girls out shooting which we hadn't done in months. Hopefully one of us will hit the lotto and our next photo outing will be in some great place like New York, Aspen, Paris or Rome... Until then.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Hidden Treasure in Plain Sight

The creek that ran under the railroad bridge was really pretty. This spot here was only 20 feet or so from the road but it was completely hidden to the world. Bare in mind that this photo would be better had we walked out onto the middle of the bridge and shot it from above but we won't go into that now will we!

As we were walking along the edge of the creek we ran into ( and I mean that literally) this little gem of a creation! Some sort of bush or tree like thing with huge thorn's as sharp as could be growing from it. I'm not really sure the purpose of such a thing, unless these little round things growing on it are just so important that they need protection.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Heavy Legs and a Beat Away From Death!

Our next stop on our little journey of insanity was a road side railroad track just down the road from the Rising Fawn cemetery. From the road all you can see is the tracks and our whole reason for stopping was for the railroad bridge. Once we got up on the tracks we noticed that there was a little creek running under the bridge and some great fall colors along the water.
The perfect spot to get great shots of the creek and trees was from the middle of the railroad bridge. The bridge, however, had 1 foot gaps between the ties. Rachel and I found out that we're big chickens because neither one of use could walk across it. Something about the fear of dropping our cameras (even though they were securely strapped around our necks) and the fact that if your foot went down one of those gaps you'd be trapped forever. The view of the creek flowing through the gaps didn't help much either. My longest length traveled was a good 5 feet, which I'm really proud of by the way. Rachel made it a good 3 or 3 1/2 feet before screaming for dear life and turning back. Ricki on the other hand seemed to have no problem what so ever with it, and if you'll notice in the photo, she doesn't even have her $6,000 camera around her neck!
I'll be blogging on the railroad, all the live long day.... (better sang than read)
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Greed & and a Great Time with Poo!

This Halloween brought greed to the hearts of children everywhere, as you can plainly see on face of my niece Summer. Even Logan got in the spirit of snatching candy from the hands of strangers! The things children learn in there first year is amazing! They both came home with huge buckets full of sweets. Judging by the amount consumed in the few mins I saw them they may not sleep for weeks!

My sister Kim & I found a bit of humor in one of there tootsie rolls. I'm hoping all of you remember the Mr. Hanky from the show South Park. For those who don't it was a ... well, I'm sure you can tell what he was from the picture. Anyway, he would jump out of the toilet and sit on the seat and yell "Hidy Ho" then the song would play "Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo, he loves me and I love you." Oh it was such good times when Mr. Hanky was around... how I loved him so!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy Halloween... Oh Revenge is Sweet!!

I spent my Halloween making a cemetery Cake that I saw made on Martha Stewart's new show. Let me tell you, it looked nothing like Martha's! She made hers in about 10 mins whereas mine took 5 hours and 32 mins! That's not counting the time it took me to drive to Bi-Lo and buy all the stuff it took to make it either!
The base of it was made with a sheet sized brownie I baked myself, covered with a layer of Whipped Cream with Cocoa Power to give it a chocolate flavor. The brick walls were made from brownies which I cut into 1 inch by 1/2 inch squares and laid with cocoa whipped cream to give it the authentic brick wall look. The tombstones are made from Sara Lee pound cake from your local freezer section and covered with a gray tinted whip cream. The dirt is made of fine chopped walnuts, pecans, brownie & cranberries. The nuts and cranberries were my idea, I thought it gave it a better taste in the end.

I had a bit of fun with the tombstones, I added your standard "RIP's" and what-nots, I also added the name of my arch enemy. The whole time I was writing out the words "Cathy" I was thinking of all my WCM buddies! Oh revenge is sweet... You should all be thrilled to know that once I carved her stone and added it to the cemetery, I took great pleasure in eating it afterwards! How long we all dreamed of the day we'd see her name graced on a stone, well my good friends, I can proudly say that it was I who put it there!!!
Let us all rejoice!