Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Window Light + White Hair

While on our trip I took a shot at my grandma... opps, I mean a shot OF my grandma. :o) It might be one of the best recent photos I've seen of here. I love window light anyway and I just happen to notice it as I was walking past so I basically forced her to turn and look out the window so I could take this photo. She almost looks sweet doesn't she... LMAO I'm kidding... We have our moments but she really is a great grandmother, I know if I ever needed her she'd be there so that says a lot seeing as some people don't have that.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunburned Beach Bum In Training!

I just completed my 2nd week at the beach this month and it's been GREAT! I'm still trying to figure out WHY I don't live there. Mostly likely it has something to do it the lack of money but still...

I went on a "Family Vacation" which, in our family, is a really rare thing. My grandmother, mom, sister Kim and her husband and kids and I all went down to Tybee Island for the week. That would be why you haven't seen an update from me in a while. For some reason that place has never heard of wireless internet... I guess it's a small price to pay for paradise! :o)

My idea of this trip was that it was going to be one big fight and we'd all come home hating eachother. As shocking as it is, I really had a good time. I didn't spend the whole trip with a camera around my neck this time and I must say, that was pretty sweet! I love taking pictures but sometimes it just gets old. I got some cute shots of the kids though and some good sunrise photos from the 1 day I managed to get out of bed before the sun came up. Here is a shot of Logan walking out to the beach for the first time. It took some getting use to, he wouldnt even get near the water until the next to last day we were there. I did get some cute stuff of him running away from the waves though. :o)

I love this shot.. it's like he's not sure whether to run or not so he's just sort of sliding out of the way. Cracks me up!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Steady yet still poor...

I'm beinning to see a steady stream of business here lately. Here's a shot from my Friday portrait shoot at Coolidge Park. This was a pre-bat mitzvah portrait session and the subject, Rhea photographed really great! She was the perfect amount of ham, which is something I wish could be taught!

My Sunday engagement shoot got canceled because of the cold weather and winds so we won't get to reschedule those until later on in the middle of March and hopefully the weather treats us well. My wedding interview also got canceled because the bride-to-be's car wouldn't start so we have to reschedule that too. I was so excited about my crazy busy weekend only to have most of it not pan out. Oh well... who cares, I'm going to the beach this week! :o)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Farewell Deputy Fife

What a dark sad day this has turned out to be. Don Knotts, better known as Barney Fife past away today at the age of 81. Poor ole Thelma Lou, I hope she doesn't take it too hard...

Farewell Deputy Fife...

"Nip it, nip it in the bud"

No Free Saturday for 06 of Twenty 06

I left this morning for my wedding interview and came home with a signed contract. Another June wedding, making 3 I have for that month, wow am I going to be tired. I guess thats when we find out if Rachel can handle the pressure... :o) Poor thing doesn't know what she's signed up for! hehe Speaking of Rachel, she sent me this photo day, if you don't know who that old man is then I'm not sure why I bother to know you. I guess my love of HP finally got back to the people that matter, you know when Dumbledore starts talking about you you've done well. LOL :o)

The rest of my day is filled with editing, finishing the baby portraits and getting them uploaded and then starting on the portraits I did yesterday. I'd love to be able to get a huge chunk of those done because tomorrow I have an engagement shoot so if I don't hussle I'll be overloaded with things to edit.

My family is planning a trip to Tybee Island next week. I've been asked to go so I've been working my butt off to try and get all I need to get done finished so that I could go. I'm not sure it's going to work though, I'm still playing catch up from my last trip that way. I guess we'll see if it's a yes or no by leaving time on Monday. The cool part would be taking photos of my neice and nephew on the beach, plus looking out at the beach isn't a bad thing either. :o)

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...

Friday, February 24, 2006

In a glorious golden halo of cheese

So today I picked up Rachel and went to Chattanooga for a portrait shoot at Coolidge Park. We left a bit early so we could go to lunch with another friend of mine, Hollie. We went to the Macaroni Grill... it was great! I had a penne rustica that was covered "in a glorious golden halo of cheese." It was some kinda good. Rachel made me laugh and I sorta blew my nose in my tea but other than that it was all good baby!

Here's a photo of me shooting on the beach, the photo was taken by Rachel. You can plainly see the horn on top of my head in this one, I need to go get those removed again.. they keep growing back even though those doctors keep saying they shouldn't. Stupid lying doctors!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Please, No more pictures...

I know just how you feel baby girl...

Today wasn't the most excited, I edited photos all day and uploaded the finished ones to the internet. I've sat so much my butt is numb and my legs have forgotten how to walk. Someday, I know I'll be successful enough and so busy that I'll finally have my "Art Dept." to do all this for me. While they're hard at work I'll be out relaxing on a beach somewhere, preparing for my one day of work... That'll be the life! {Sigh} :o)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Rain & Footprints...

Today it rained and was just flat out ugly. Yes, I know... I'm starting to sound like Rachel, but it's just a real bummer when days look like this. I had to go to the post office today to ship the very last item I had listed for sell on Amazon.com. I sold all the books I'll either never read or never read again. I made a cool 300 bucks or so from it, that's almost a car payment! :o) I went to the post office between my house and Rome. I got the Guns & Roses Greatest Hits CD in the mail today and thought I'd take a long drive with the volume way up high. :o)

I called the bank where I have my car loan to see about taking out a loan to pay off my 2 VERY high interest credit cards, I'm still waiting to see if it's a yes or a no, I have a feeling it's a no, but a girl can try. It would be nice if it was a yes, one of my credits has 2k on it and 34% interest, that's just INSANE! The other has only 1k but a 30% rate. I've been paying 3 times the amount I'm suppose to each month but I'm still not getting anywhere fast enough. I'll be so happy to get out of debt. Uhgg...

During breaks from working on baby photos I started reading a new book today, "Selling the Invisible" by Harry Beckwith. I'm only on Chapter 3 so far, it's hard for me to read very much at once if it's something I'm not dying to know the end of. I thought it could teach me a thing or two, or at least bring up new ways of thinking. I've always hated trying to "sell" myself, I have such issues with seeing my work the way others view it so it's just always been a huge issue for me to sit and look at a bride-to-be and tell her she needs to spend 3k on me because I'm worth it.

Speaking of brides, I have a wedding interview this weekend, Saturday morning actually. Its for a June wedding and I already have 2 weddings in June so should they sign I'll be one busy person that month. Friday I have some portrait pictures to do at Coolidge Park and then Sunday I'm doing some Engagement photos there.

By Monday I should be good and tired :o)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

~ Welcome to the World Baby Girl ~

As I said yesterday, I did little baby photos of new born Brooklynn and proud parents, Eddie & Trinity. I've came along way with Eddie & Trinity, I did their engagement portraits, their wedding, maternity photos and finally the arrival of their baby girl. It's been really exciting to watch a couple grow and start a family and I really love baby portraits. Have you ever seen a bad photo of a baby? It's a super easy job, you just try to add a little creativity and a lot of emotion in the photos.

I'm really looking forward to watching her grow and capturing all the stages in her life. Can you image the ammo I'll have to show at her wedding someday! I'm all about that! I guess I can home with roughly 600+ images and I've already started going through and editing. It's so hard to cut any of them, I mean, they're all cute so I image I won't have much less than what I started with in the beginning.

Today I went to Chattanooga with Ricki. We ate lunch at a new Deli near Hamilton Place called "Jason's Deli" and it was fantastic! I highly recommend, just don't go during lunch time, they are very crowded... as we found out. Then we went to Stone Cup in Downtown and worked on images all day. Our reasoning for such is so that Ricki could deliver sandwiches she makes to a one-man organization who helps the homeless community in the North Chattanooga area. I got a lot of my Savannah photos edited and uploaded to the internet for printing. It's amazing how much faster their internet is there than at my house. I have DSL but theirs must be a T1 or something. Their food and drinks isn't much to talk about but I like the atmosphere they have there.

Tomorrow I plan on finished the baby photos and getting a good many uploaded to the internet. You can check them out there the "online proof" section of my website at www.ledfordphotography.com I may get started on the baby book tomorrow is I hurry. I'm really excited about doing it, it's going to be really cute!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy President's Day America!

I think all Presidents should be required to wear the old gray wigs like those G. Washington wore back in the day. That would make life much more entertaining, don't you think! I mean, I can see Bush trying to lie his way out of something while wearing one of those... :oD "Amairikins will not stand fer tuerrism and we'll tuerrise any nation who thinks we will."

Today I finally get to take the baby portraits I had planned for over a week ago. The icy weather ruined it last week, then Friday I was sick so I had to cancel that, but today it's all good. I love baby pictures... babies are so sweet! It's impossible to get a "Bad" photo of a baby! These are the portraits that I'll use along with the maternity photos to do a cute little baby book. I'm really looking forward to building that, I plan on having many extras made and advertising the heck out of them!

Speaking of advertising, I'm now talking to someone that runs a website wedding directory for the Golden Isles area. It's $365 a yr, so a $1.00 a day and when you're hired for something, you get paid to go to the beach! How great would that be, really!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Missing The Deep Blue...

I've lived in the mountains since my first day here on earth, in this life anyway, but I sure am missing the ocean. I could stand and watch the waves crash on shore all day long and never get tired of it. Since our first day on Tybee I've entertained serious thoughts of doing something completely insane and moving there. Wedding pictures on the beach, little girls photos in there white cotton dresses blowing in the wind... Sounds like the perfect career move, doesn't it!

Speaking of a career, my website is pretty crappy these days. This week I'm going to do a major overhaul and change a good lot of it, if not all of it. It's gotten really boring to me. When I first had it built I really liked it, it was professional, yet creative. Now I just feel like it doesn't show any of my personality what so ever, plus my style of photography has changed a bit too. I've got to get busy on some marketing too. I've been pretty slack here lately, which, of course is a deadly thing. I've had a few calls lately that make me think this all might be worth it though. I've got a company interested in some of my stock images and hiring me to do exclusive work for them, plus advertising my services directly through theres for weddings and bat mitzvah events. My child portraits and books seem to be catching on and if I'd get busy on advertising I think I could make a simi-descent career just from those. I've got a lot of ideas and plans in the works so beginning this week I'm going to be working to make something happen from them all.

On a note that has nothing to do with anything: I've just discovered a singer by the name of James Blunt. Basically the only song you might've heard from him is "Your Beautiful." He has a haunting, unique voice - some very different stuff. His current album is great. I'm in love with every song on it! I highly recommend and if you use iTunes you can get some exclusive songs and a video that you won't get with the actual album.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Dazed and Confused from it all...

ivy been home now for 2 days since our trip to the ocean but I haven't regained my bearings yet. I'm still not sure what day it is and I feel like I'm missing something. For some reason everything looks kinda funny, the yard outside looks like there's something missing and the house looks bigger than it did before I left. Plus, from the cold & wet encounters, I now have a pretty bad cold. It all started a few days before we left to come home and hasn't went away yet. I can't taste anything, my head is killing me and I haven't have a good nights sleep in over a week. Could I complain anymore? Waa Waa Waa... mmmmm Cheese and Crackers!

I was told a few days ago that some of my photos have a grunge look to them. I'm not really sure what that means, so I'm not really sure how to take it. I think it was meant as a compliment because the person who said that then asked if I could show them how because they really liked it... or they were just being nice. LOL I do tend to favor little saturation or none at all and I also tend to use a lot of buring and black, so maybe I do have "grunge" photos?

I'm having a lot of fun playing with the tints, tones and colors from the Savannah photos. I say this because I know if I don't, I'll get comments that my colors aren't quiet right and I just wanted to proclaim that, indeed, I meant it that way. :o)

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Quick Finned & Gone

Wow, Dolphins are tough subjects to photograph. They refuse to pose on command, they only give you a split second to work with and they leave without any notice what so ever. How rude, really!

We went on Mike's Dolphin Tour while on the Island. An hour long trip around the bend and home again. We saw 6 Dolphins, 2 different packs of 3 traveling along, playing & eating. These here were the eaters, they came up from the water 2 or 3 times then would disappear for a good long while. The other set were the most entertaining, they were jumping clean out of the water, the captain of the boat said the water wasn't right for getting close to them. Frankly it just seemed as though he didn't want to because there were a good many shrimping boats driving right by them with no problems at all.
We sailed out to the point beside the Tybee Island Lighthouse then returned to port, it was fun all the same, at least we got some up close photos of the little white lighthouse, so that made it all worth it. That was the first time I've been on a boat in a really long time. I guess I was maybe 8 or 10 yrs old the last time. I went with my Grandpa and my uncle Dee on a fishing trip to Alabama. My uncle drove and it felt like we were going at least 80 mph. The boat was skipping across the water and I just knew that any minute we'd crash and die or at the very least, I'd bounce out and knowone would notice. I was thanking God when we finally got back to the shore and had no urge thereafter to setting foot on another boat. I'm pleased to say that this ride was much more enjoyable, to say the least! On a side note: The tiny little mass of land that the lighthouse sits upon is an oyster rich environment, meaning if you eat them, there is a good chance they came from there. Now don't you feel ashamed, poor little guys just sitting there enjoying the cool breeze and the sunny day, then WHAM, they're snatched up, cooked and eaten by you... for shame!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cloudy Reflections

I LOVE this photo. I was playing around with angles and such and came up with this one. The reflections of the sky in the water are great! (If I do say so myself) I think this shot is a new and unique way of shooting the Tybee lighthouse. I think I may see if I can market this image to some post card and bouchure places. It's a new spin on the same old thing...

I have so many photos that I could see blown up and hanging on my wall. I so look forward to having a house sometime in the future and decking out the walls in my own photographs. How fun that'll be!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tropical Blues and the Open Sea to SC

Did you know that Hilton Head, SC is only 5 miles (by boat) from Tybee Island? Yes, actually the mass of land way off in the distance you see here in this photo over on the right is, in fact, Hilton Head. It's 60 miles by car, by the way. I just thought that was an interesting little fact about Tybee.

I love the sky in this photo. This is actual how it was taken, I did no editing to the sky. I was all kinds of happy about it when I saw it. The colors really "Pop" (as my friend Chelle would say)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beaken of Light

After many attempts at shooting the Tybee Island Lighthouse we finally found an angle we were happy with. The colors in the sky were on fire as they fell behind the lighthouse. I had found another angle I really liked during the day and wanted to hike back out over the jetties and try it at sunset but Rachel was too big of a chicken to go with me. She kept babbling something about murderers and such... I don't know I wasn't really listening to her most of the time.

On another note: I've learned to really like my tripod on this trip. Apparently it was just a matter of playing around with it and figuring out the features and how to use them. The leg ajustments leave something to be desired, however.

By the way, I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and all that iky love crap. I spent my Valentine's Day on the beach and out on a boat looking for Dolphins. :o)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh that twinkle in the sky

I have so many photos I'm basically just skipping around through them looking, doing a little resizing & blogging it. All but for the last 2 mornings we were up and out way before dawn waiting for the sun to rise. We shot basically all day before finding a spot to wait for the sunset. A few days were did manage to sneak in a nap. :o)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sea Shell by the Sea Shore...

Shells everywhere on the shores of Tybee Island. With every wave that fell on the coast a new shell or creature found a new home. I picked up endless pockets of shells as I'm sure every other being who walked along the shore side did but no dent at all could be seen in the mounds of shells and such.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Birds are crazy!

I tell ya... these birds are a little crazy! I can proudly say that with all these hundreds of birds flying every which way at any given minute, I didn't once get pooped on during our stay. :o)

Although I didn't get a picture, their poop was actually a bright blue-ish color. Perhaps it's from the jelly fish they were eating! Actually, I didn't see them eating the jelly's but Rachel swears she did... of course Rachel's insane (you saw her pink hat) so I'm not sure if that's actually true or not.

Speaking of crazy, I was on my knees with my tripod on the freezing ground taking this photo. By the end of our shoot I was wet from the knees down...

When packing to go to the beach, one doesn't usually take along a huge selection of freezing winter clothes. On our first morning the actual temp was 30 degrees or so but with the wind coming of the water it felt like it was 10 degrees... if that. On day two we set out looking for a Wal-Mart to shock up on warmer clothing and hand warmers! Apparently we werent the only people with that in mind, we bought the only 2 remaining packs of hand warmers the wal-mart had in stock. They were completely out of gloves and scarfs but we found these lovely head-gear thingys. They pervented you from breathing when you had them on but they did keep you warm. We kinda look like crazy people... or bank robbers... :o)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Enjoy the view...

The last time I saw the ocean was 1999 when I went on a trip to Daytona Beach with my sister Kim and neice Megan and her friend Megan. You can tell just by the names what a whale of a good time we had. :o) Well, actually I saw the Gulf of Mexico when I went to Mississippi, but if you've ever seen the Gulf then you know it very well can't be called an ocean... it doesn't even have waves. It's kinda like a big pond that stinks of fish. I must say the beach at Tybee was a unique experience. I've never seen so many shells and jelly fish wash up on shore. The shells are so thick you just walk on them like you would pebbles. I picked up a good many to keep for myself and to give to my neice Summer.

On our first day on the Island, Rachel and I walked along the beach looking out at the ocean. Here's a photo I really love of Rachel, in her fuzzy bright pink retard hat. I guess she was looking and waiting for her ship to come in...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Waves of the Morning Sun

The sun just barely cracked over the ocean horizon and shined down on the waves as they fell onto the shore. This shot was taken on our first morning on Tybee. The sky was full of clouds from the rain and storms that had rolled through the day before. The sunrise was a cold one not nearly as pretty as the others we were blessed to see while on our trip.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

An ocean sunrise at a chillin degree!

Here is the very first photo I took on my trip to Savannah, GA. It was 6:30 in the morning and the sun was getting ready to rise. Yes, I actually drug myself up out of bed in the hour of 6 o'clock, shocking isn't it! I went down with my friend Rachel to visit with her daughter who goes to school at GSU in Statesboro. We swung through and picked Brooke up and headed to Tybee Island. The town where she lives is only an hour away from the beach and this is the first trip she's taken to the ocean.... what a weirdo!

Our first night was spent at the Ho Jo's as we went down a day early and had to find somewhere other than where our reservations were at. Considering the fact it was a Ho Jo's... it wasn't half bad. It actually had wireless internet, where as the place we had our reservations did not.

I could totally live in Savannah or Tybee either one. Of course if I were down there in the middle of tourist season I'm sure I'd change my mind. Anywho... I took roughly 2100 photos in the 6 days we were gone so you can expect to see a few hundred beach pictures over the next few weeks. :o)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A real fun day....

NOT! Today started out on a real good note. My phone rang this morning, which is what woke me up. It was one of the loan officers from the bank where I have my car loan. She was called to tell me I was 2 payments behind and if my balance wasn't paid within the next few days, my car would be repo'd. Well, knowing full well I WASN'T 2 payments behind, I proceeded to inform her that she must be crazy or something. In a world where your word means nothing, I had to dig up my records were I had indeed paid my payments in questions and drive them 40 minutes to the bank to prove the very fact. I was told by the LO that she'd be there anytime, just come on by. Well, when I arrived at 1 pm naturally she wasn't there and wouldn't be back til 2:00.

Well, seeing I had spent my morning and lunch time searching for proof I wasn't a bum with 700.00 worth of past due bills, I had missed breakfast and lunch. I thought, since I had an hour to kill, I'd go get a sandwich. I picked a place and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, found a table and began to eat. Well, I took a bite of my sandwich and as I moved my sandwich back down to it's plate, I noticed something hanging off my bite I had in my mouth that seemed to be connected to the sandwich. Well friends, I'll tell ya it only took me a split second to spit out my food and run for the bathroom. And if you haven't' guessed... It was a hair. A LONG BLACK HAIR! Not good... Not good AT ALL! After a few choice words, between gags of course, to the manager I ran out of there with a refund and a bag full of food that had nothing to do with a sandwich and little to do with human contact... Not that I could eat it after that!

Well, back to the bank... I turned over my hardcore proof and waited to watch the lady, whom wasn't at all nice to me over the phone, eat her words. Her face got redder and redder and the veins in her neck seem to grow in size but she finally admitted that basically the bank had the organizational skills of my 1 year old nephew and the customer service skills to match. The funny part to this story is that after all the Hell I was put through and the totally wasted day, the lady had the nerve to sit there and try to get me to sign up for a checking account! When I said "no", she asked me "why"! Alright, so you waste my day, you're mean to me on the phone and demand I come down to your office at once and hand you $700.00 that I didn't owe and after I spend my day and a good many of my cell phone minutes trying to straighten this all out... you want me to trust you with my checking account? The only thing better than my answer wouldve had to been the look on my face. Sort of the open mouth, one eye brow raised, "Are you stupid" look.

On a day that seemed to be looking better every minute, my friend Rachel called and asked if I'd like to go on an all expenses paid trip to Savannah for 3 or 4 days. Leaving this coming Sunday morning and coming back when we darn (ahem) well feel like it. I can smell the sea salt and see the photo opportunities now... And they look and smell GREAT! I'm not sure what retard in there half working mind would turn down such a thing so I jumped on the offer and nearly scared some old lady to death. She happened to be walking by my window at just the wrong time. Rachel's husband, Marshall, actually suggested we go on this little trip. THANKS MARSHALL! - It proves my point that really, you don't need a husband, you just need friends with a husband. :o)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Alive and kickin it!

I must say, last night was a tough one. The tiff I spoke about yesterday came to a head and had it not been for a few of my friends I'd prolly be checked into the crazy house today. My friend Rachel talked me through not committing a murder and my friend Hollie made a ton of good sense and got me smiling a little bit. A big credit has to go to my friend Chad, who basically told me to **** it and move on... in the classic Chad-Like way. By the end of the hour long talk on the phone he had me laughing and the knot in my stomach had went away. I got a good nights sleep last night, not a normal one by any means though. I had the weirdest dream...

I was dreaming I was on a boat on what seemed to be a lake... at first, but it changed to the sea. Our boat was sinking and our tour guide... who was the young Henry Fonda (I don't know why)... got us to safety to shore. For some reason, everytime a cloud would go over he would swim out into the ocean and grab one of those orange floaty ball thingys and lick it. Then he'd swim out onto the shore and run to the leaves and smell them. I have no clue why I dreamed that, it certainly wasn't anything I've watched. I watched a little bit of Space Cowboy before I went to sleep last night and that has nothing to do with the ocean or boats or Henry Fonda.

When I woke up this morning and looked out my window there was a few inches of snow on the ground. In the area I live in, that just isn't normal so I stood there and admired that for a good long while. I didn't take any pictures though... if only I knew a photographer!

Oh well...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's not all about the pictures...

Alright, well, if you know me at all and have talked to me here recently you know that I'm going through a bit of Hell with a client of mine. I won't mention it here but it's an insane situation that really has nothing to do with me but somehow I've gotten sucked into it. It's giving me some serious stress to deal with, that's for sure. I decided today that I wasn't going to let it get to me anymore and the two parties involved can feud and fight all they want but as for me, I'll be finishing with my current involvement this week and don't wish to have anything else to do with the matter. I just hope it doesn't result in any lawsuits, not that I've done anything wrong but it could be a big ole headache. Or I could be opening a slander suit of my own.. who knows.

When I became a photographer, none of this mess was anywhere on my radar and now, somehow, I find myself in one of the ugliest situations ever played out on any soup opera.

Which way to the bar?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Fun-Filled Day of Wedding Portraits

Ahhh, don't you just love getting up at 7am and working 10:30 hours. It's always a good time. Actually I've done much worse, things like spending 12 hours straight in a cave with no bathroom or lunch break. If you can survive that, a wedding is nothing!

My first impression wasn't the best one, the location wasn't the best and was not in the best area. If you know anything about Chattanooga, you'll know what I'm saying when I tell you that the wedding was in the Highland Park area. There have been people who pass through there and never came out the other side, so it's not really a place you want to linger. Whoever is in charge of the Church has a good head on their shoulders because it was geared more for weddings than anything else. It has a HUGE bridal suite and tons of photo ops. We were so pressed for time that we didn't get nearly the good shots we could've gotten. If you're out there in lala land and you're reading what I'm saying and you're planning a wedding... you should bring in your photography early in the planning stages. Otherwise you end up with a schedule that just flat out won't work to give you the pictures you want or need.

This photo here is the front of the new business cards I've designed, I posted the back of them in yesterday's blog if you'd like to take a look. I think they're pretty catchy looking, if I just saw it out somewhere I'd take the time to picture it up and look at it, which I guess if you're in one of the most competitive fields there is you need to have something like that.

Well, I must say that I'm pretty darn tired. I'm off to get ready for bed, get in my pj's and watch a little tv before turning in. Night all....

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ahhhh... A Silent Paradise... If just for a day.

My brother-in-law, whom I'm liking better and better all the time, took my grandmother out for a loooooonnnngggg day of visiting family and friends. The house was totally empty except for me. The silence was golden, I had forgotten just how much I love silence. I walked through the house and knowone threw little remarks my way, I watched a whole movie and heard ever word of what they said. When the telephone rang, if I didn't want to answer it... I didn't. I got a little work done, here you see the back side of my new business card... I like it!

I tell ya, it was pure heaven.... Shame that bit of joy can't last. Tomorrow I'm shooting a wedding in downtown Chattanooga so I know tomorrow will be nothing like heaven!

Wish me luck and that the time goes by fast!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Fisheye View

My friend Ricki got a new lens, a fisheye. I've been wanting one those for years and then she goes out and gets one without even getting me one! The nerve really! There we were on our way to shoot the Bar Mitzvah photos last week. My what a long arm she has there!!

Well today I did a bunch of nothing which total makes me out to look like a liar, but at least I'm honest, which is something else I'm trying these days... sort of. Well, better luck tomorrow I guess...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rock - n - Roll & a dash of cleaner

So today I've cleaned a lot of the house, washed 2 loads of clothes, uploaded tons of photos to the internet, ordered prints, listed eBay stuff, printed postage and shipped I don't know how many packages, ordered eBay supplies, made 4 different photo negative discs and cases, paid bills, and tons more. All the while I've listened to Yahoo Launchcast Radio Classic Rock so now I've got at least a dozen songs in my head. It's been a really productive day.

Tomorrow should be just as productive, I'm meeting with the mom of the Bat Mitzvah kids, have a signature mat cut, getting a frame for it, working on my brochure, cleaning, working on books, designing gallery cards, designing and ordering new business cards and who knows what else. I have a 2 page To Do list so if I could knock out 1/4 of it I'd be tickled pink.

Well, wish me luck...